Is Herniated Disc Pain Stopping Your Active Life? See How Chiropractic Care Can Help!
Does this sound familiar? You are going about your daily routine, and suddenly there’s a throbbing pain in your lower back or neck! It could have started when you lifted something heavy, bent over to pick something up, or even when you sat down.
You don’t know where this pain came from, and you don’t know how to get rid of it. The cause could be a herniated disc. Herniated disc pain plagues many people—mostly people who are 30-55 years old.
Surgery is a tempting quick fix for herniated disc pain. However, we would caution you not to rush into risky surgery because it can cause even more problems.
Instead, we want to propose that chiropractic care is a better solution for herniated disc pain. Read on to learn more about why the chiropractic route might be preferable to other options!
What is a Herniated Disc?
A herniated disc means that one of your spinal discs has broken through the membrane surrounding the outside of your spine. Your spine is made up of these discs, and they are protected by a rubbery exterior. When a disc breaks through that exterior, it is considered herniated.
You may have also heard of slipped or bulging discs. A slipped disc is when the disc falls out of place but hasn’t yet ruptured the membrane. A bulging disc occurs when the disc pushes against the membrane but has not yet torn it.
What Contributes to Herniated Disc Pain?
Herniated discs and the resulting pain happen for a variety of reasons. For example, if you suffer a blunt force trauma to your spine, that could cause a disc to herniate. It can also be a result of lifting something up or bending over. Overall, any unnecessary pressure on the spine adds to the likelihood it will become herniated.
Here are some other ways that herniated pain can increase.

Herniated disc and sciatica symptoms are generally worse in the mornings. This is because the disc absorbs fluid in the spine overnight when it is not bearing weight. When it absorbs fluid, the disc swells and stretches the pain-sensitive disc fibers, which causes pain.
Disc pain will also increase with sitting. This is because sitting increases the pressure on the lumbar discs and damaged tissues, leading to more pain. Disc patients do not like to sit or drive for prolonged periods and would much rather be active because they feel better.
Pressure on your spinal discs can be up to three times higher in the sitting position than standing. That pressure builds on your spinal discs, especially if they’re herniated. Since the disc and membrane are already damaged, the pressure hurts even more.
Lifting also puts extra pressure on the spine. The adage “Lift with your legs, not your back” is a saying for a reason. Your legs can take more pressure than your spine. If you lift with your back, that pressure keeps mounting. And if your disc is already herniated, it may cause even more pain.
The sooner patients can get up and move in the morning, releasing fluid from the disc, the sooner they feel better.
How Can a Chiropractic Fix a Herniated Disc?
Chiropractic care is the best option for herniated disc relief because it allows the body to heal through natural movements. This process also helps patients feel better at their own pace.
Chiropractic care is also a lot safer and cheaper than surgery. People who rush into surgery are usually looking for the “quick fix.” But surgery presents hazards of its own.
Any kind of surgery is risky, and herniated disc surgery is no different. And because it’s back or neck surgery, the extended recovery time could continue to negatively impact your life.
A skilled chiropractor like Dr. Anthony Galante can create a personalized treatment plan for a herniated disc. This treatment plan will work at the patient’s pace and deliver results.

What Helps Herniated Disc Pain?
A chiropractic care treatment plan can combat the symptoms of a herniated disc.
So, what does that plan include? Here’s how we do it at Algonquin Chiropractic Center:
First, we do a complete history, thorough exam, and any necessary imaging to arrive at an accurate diagnosis for herniated disc treatment. If we determine we can help you, we put together an individualized treatment plan specifically for your unique needs.
Here are some of the individualized treatment options we offer:
Cox Technic
The Cox Technic is a patented approach to chiropractic care. It works like this: The patient rests on a table while the chiropractor applies gentle, swiveling motions to the body. This helps release the fluid and ease the pain in the spine.
The Cox Technic is used by many chiropractors, but not too many have gone through the rigorous training to be certified. Dr. Galante has been certified and re-certified! He knows how beneficial this is for patients and becomes re-certified regularly.
Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation controls pain and decreases inflammation within the spine. If an area of the spine is inflamed, it can create more pain for the patient. Electrical pulses radiate through your body, targeting the desired areas.
Massage Therapy
The techniques used at Algonquin Chiropractic Center break up adhesions, loosen scar tissue, and relax the muscles. This is not your usual massage. Massage therapy is meant to improve your range of motions and improve your posture.
Posture is important for treating herniated disc pain. Because sitting and being immobile can cause fluid to build up, it’s important to practice good posture. Good posture allows the fluid to move easier and relieve pressure on the spine.

Vibration Therapy
Vibration therapy assists in herniated disc treatment by strengthening a person’s core. A lot of patients with herniated discs are overweight. Excess weight can put pressure on the spine, contributing to it bulging, slipping, or herniating.
Good core strength, however, can often relieve herniated disc pain. The less extra weight a person has means fewer possibilities that the pressure will become too much for the spine.
Rehabilitation Exercises
Rehabilitation exercises for herniated disc pain come after any of the milder forms of physical therapy listed above. The goal of these exercises is to build up a person’s strength and endurance as he or she heads toward recovery.
The process begins with light stretching on a table under the careful guidance of Dr. Galante. Then it moves on to other exercises.
Take the First Step in Stopping Herniated Disc Pain
Are you tired of living your life in pain? If you suffer from herniated disc pain, you know that tolerating it isn’t enough. You need help, and we can help you!
Dr. Galante has been providing herniated disc treatment in Algonquin, IL, for many years. If you’re tired of back pain and neck pain, give us a call at 847-854-2000! Herniated disc pain shouldn’t stop you from doing the things you love to do!
Note: This blog was originally published in January 2017 and was updated in February 2020.